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Logging In & SafeWord
How do I login?
Click here if you use a Vasco token.
How do I change my Login ID?
CitiDirect allows you control over every aspect of your use. Follow these steps to change your login ID.
What is a SafeWord Card?
Your SafeWord Card is a secure digital token we use to authenticate you when you access your account. It requires a PIN to operate, which you will have received together with your token. If you are having problems with your PIN, click here.
How do I use my SafeWord Card?
To use your SafeWord Card for login, switch it on and input your 4-digit PIN (your PIN was sent to you in a separate mail). You will then be prompted to select a host number: for CitiDirect, select the host number 9.
Next, enter the challenge code from the CitiDirect login page into your SafeWord Card. Your SafeWord Card will then display the response code – enter this into the CitiDirect login page.
Lastly, if you are a Multi Factor Authentication User, you will be prompted to enter your password (sent separately via email) to login and access your CitiDirect account.