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Anti-Money Laundering (AML) legislation gives banks a mandatory duty to collect documents from, and verify the identity of, each person who authorizes payment transactions on an account held in an AML regulated country. Therefore, if you need to process transactions on any such accounts you may need to supply Citi with suitable identity documents. Otherwise, your ability to process those transactions may be restricted or removed. For specific details of the AML legislation in each country refer to the country-by-country AML requirements documents.

To minimize the inconvenience to you, we recommend that you send us each of the types of documentation listed in the Schedule, in the event that you have (or may in future be granted) access to accounts held in other countries with additional requirements.

The name on the identity documents being submitted, must match the name that appears on the User Profile in CitiDirect. If they are not the same it will not be possible to approve the user's AML access.

Only approved Citi staff in the Entitlements Control Unit or located in the country or countries listed in the Schedule for which the Authorizer actually has payment authorization rights will be able to access the identity documents. They will only be able to access the documents that they need to see for the purpose of compliance with local anti-money laundering legislation, and they will not access the documents for any other purpose. The documents will be held for the periods set out in the Schedule, after which they will be destroyed. We may disclose them to regulators, if required.

Most frequently asked questions about EMEA AML. Click here to access the FAQ document.

To find the AML status of users, please make the following selections:
• All Reports
• Access Management Reports
• AML User by Client Report

Click Edit Report button.

1. Input users – users that have been given authorise-type access to a regulated (AML branch) account(s) by their Security Manager. Before they can be approved for payments authorising purposes they must supply their identity documents as listed in the EMEA AML Requirements Schedule.
To find Input users, make the following selections:
• Branch number - you may choose to highlight all branches or a just a selection. Users may have access to more than one branch.
• Date Range – if you wish to find all users in this status select an Absolute Start Date: 1 July 2007 and End Date: today. Choosing any other Start Date might not provide every user.
• No further selections required. Input is the default Status criteria. Status - Record in Input state is optional.

2. Processed users – these are users that have gone through the AML Approval process.
Processed Y (Yes) users have normally supplied appropriate identity documents and have been Approved by the applicable AML branch.
Processed N (No) users have not supplied appropriate identity documents and have been processed as Not Approved by the applicable AML branch. Some clients may have elected for some of their users to remain in a Not Approved state if they already have sufficient authorisers.

To find Processed users, make the following selections:
• Branch number – you may choose to highlight all branches or a just a selection. Users may have access to more than one branch.
• Date Range – if you wish to find all your users, select an Absolute Start Date: 1 July 2007 and End Date: today. If you choose any other Start Date the report might not provide every user.
• Status - select A Processed Record
• Type - you may select either Yes or No. Type cannot remain unselected. It is not possible to select both. Separate reports must be run if you wish to view both Yes (Approved) and No (Not Approved) Type users.
• Expiry Date – a date range can be input to find users that fall within the period. For users that have reached or passed the expiry date, new documents will need to be provided if they still require access for the specified branch. New documents can be sent before the expiry date has been reached. Not all branches use the expiry date field and dates only affect the specified branch.

3. To find users Pending Authorization, i.e. those undergoing branch review and awaiting final Approval, make the following selections:
• Branch number – you may choose to highlight all branches or a just a selection. Users may have access to more than one branch.
• Date Range – if you wish to find all your users, select an Absolute Start Date: 1 July 2007 and End Date: today. If you choose any other Start Date the report may not provide every user.
• Status - select Level 1 Authorization Required (other levels may also be included)
• Type - you may select either Yes or No, but Type cannot remain unselected. It is not possible to select both. Separate reports must be run if you wish to view both Yes (Approved) and No (Not Approved) Type users.

- By not selecting a Client Name, all available clients will be shown for the criteria selected.
- By not selecting a Status, only Input records will be shown.
- The quoted Start Date was the commencement of AML restrictions in CitiDirect. By choosing it as the report start date and today as the end date, all applicable users will be displayed for the criteria selected.